Module Indicative Content |
Introduction to Communication
Key elements of the communication process; Interpersonal communication (barriers to communication).
Non-Verbal Communication
Importance of non-verbal communication (with particular reference to student's area of study/industry); Body language, posture, gestures, etc.; Proxemics, kinesics; Semiotics.
Presentation Skills
Preparing an effective presentation for different scenarios; understanding your audience; developing relevant content; choosing appropriate visual aids; building confidence in delivery; dealing with presentation anxiety.
Working Effectively in a Team
Working in Groups for Assignments; Teams in the Workplace; Effectively Participating in Meetings (understanding roles, agendas, motivations)
Workplace Skills
Listening skills; Assertiveness; Personal Communication Style; Digital Engagement & Responsibility.
DKIT reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment
Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources |
Sheila Cameron. (2016), The Business Students Handbook: Skills for Study and Employment, 6th ed.. Pearson.
Supplementary Book Resources |
Joanne Van Emden, Lucinda Becker. (2016), Presentation Skills for Students, 3rd Edition. MacMillan Education, UK.
Stella Cottrell. (2015), Skills for Success: Personal Development and Employability, 3rd. Palgrave Macmillan.
This module does not have any article/paper resources |
Other Resources |
DkIT Centre for Learning & Teaching. (2016), Assessed Groupwork: A Framework and
Guidelines, Dundalk, Dundalk Institute of Technology,