Module Indicative Content |
Theories and models of development
Modernisation, dependency theory, world systems, sustainable development and post development theories will all be examined.
The causes and effects of poverty (Absolute and Relative) will be identified using a problem tree analysis.
The causes and effects of inequality (Opportunity and outcome) will be identified using a problem tree analysis.
Development Education
What is Development Education? Where does it come from? Pillars of practice (Critical thinking / Problem solving / Systems thinking / active citizenship)
Power analysis
The role of power and how it contributes to shaping community and society will be perused.
The Sustainable Development Goal Framework
The UN Sustainable Development Goals will be explored in detail. Irelands record and implementation plan will be examined with recommendations for action suggested.
DKIT reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment
Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources |
Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett. (2010), The Spirit Level, Penguin Press.
Katie Willis. (2011), Theories and practices of Development, 2nd. Taylor and Francis Ltd, London, [ISBN: 041559071].
Tony Daly, Ciara Regan, Colm Regan. (2016), 80-20: Development in an unequal world, 7th. 80-20, Bray.
Recommended Article/Paper Resources |
Centre for Global Education. Policy and Practice: A development
education review.
IOE Press. International journal of Development
Education and global learning.
Irish Aid. (2017), Development Education Strategy 2017 -
Other Resources |
Website, Development Perspectives. Website,