Module Indicative Content |
Management Theory
Nature and definition of management - to include planning, organisation, leading, managing, control. Goal setting, motivation, empowering, inclusion and delegation. Management skills and management styles.
Establish a projectand identifying new opportunities.
Analyse the community context. Traditional practices, functions of networks and alliances.
Leadership roles, personality traits, charecteristics of effective leaders. Charismatic and transformational leadership. Leadership power and politics.
Development and design of team roles / team work.
Motivational and coaching skills.
Diverse aspects of leadership.
Strategic leadership.
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Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources |
Covey, S.. (1989), The 7 Habits of Effective People, Simon and Shulster.
Covey, S.. (2002), The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, Free Press.
Morley, M. (2004), Principles of Organisational Behaviour, Gill and Macmilllan.
This module does not have any article/paper resources |
This module does not have any other resources |