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Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources |
Harris, P.. (2013), Youthoria; adolescent substance mis-use - problems, prevention and treatment, Russell House Publishing, Dorset, [ISBN: 978-1-905541-].
McKeganey, N.. (2014), a-z of substance and drug addiction, Palgrave Macmillan, London, [ISBN: 978-0-230-314].
Allan, G.. (2014), Working with substance users; a guide to effective interventions, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, [ISBN: 978-1-137-278].
Corrigan, D.. (2003), Facts about drug misuse in Ireland, 4th. Health Promtion Unit, Ireland, [ISBN: 0-86387-040-6].
Hager, T.. (2019), Ten Drugs: how plants, powders and pills have shaped the history of medicine, Abrams, [ISBN: 9781419734403].
Supplementary Book Resources |
Courtwright, D.. (2019), The age of addiction: how bad habits became big business, Belnap Press, US, [ISBN: 9780674737372].
This module does not have any article/paper resources |
This module does not have any other resources |