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Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources |
Beugré, C.. (2016), Social entrepreneurship: Managing the creation of social value., Routledge, [ISBN: 9780415817370].
Chahine, T. (2016), Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship, CRC Press, [ISBN: 9781498717045].
Kickul, J. and Lyons, T.S. (2016), Understanding social entrepreneurship: The relentless pursuit of mission in an ever changing world, Routledge, [ISBN: 97804158841].
Supplementary Article/Paper Resources |
Journal of Innovation and
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research,
Babson College, USA.
Case Studies: MacBlain. M and Sisk. J
2013, Dundalk Institute of Technology,
Case Studies; North East Ireland.
Other Resources |
Website, (2012), Social Entrepreneurs Ireland, Dublin,
Website, Social Enterprise UK, London,