Module Indicative Content |
Using JavaScript events and DOM Scripting
Apply simple javascript to HTML and CSS elements on a website.
Fundamentals of Content Management Systems
Explain how a CMS works and the difference between a static and dynamic website.
Installing and configuring a CMS
Demonstrate how to set up a CMS from scratch.
Techniques for embedding audio files into a website
Include audio in a web project using HTML5 and Cloud hosted audio files.
Techniques for embedding video into a website
Embed video in a web project using HTML5 and Cloud hosted video files such as Youtube/Vimeo.
Compare the key differences between a static and dynamic website
Show students the difference between static and dynamic websites and explain how a server processes server-side code.
Apply media queries in responsive design
Use breakpoints and media queries to control how a website appears on various devices.
Mobile device testing
Demonstrate how to view and interact with a website running on a Desktop, Tablet and Smartphone.
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Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources |
Dr. Andy Williams. (2019), WordPress for Beginners: A Visual Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering WordPress, 1st edition. Independently published, p.277, [ISBN: 1490532471].
Frahaan Hussain. (2017), Responsive Web Design by Example: Embrace responsive design with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery and Bootstrap 4., 1st edition. Packt Publishing, p.292 pa, [ISBN: 9781787287068].
Supplementary Book Resources |
Jon Duckett. (2014), JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development, 1st edition. Wiley, p.640, [ISBN: 9781118531648].
Dr. Vic Costello. (2012), Multimedia Foundations: Core Concepts for Digital Design, 1st edition. Focal Press, p.464, [ISBN: 978-024081394].
This module does not have any article/paper resources |
Other Resources |
Website, creativebloq,
Website, Smashing Magazine,
Website, The FWA,
Website, Webby awards,
Website, Republic of Code,