Module Details

Module Code: PLCE M7002
Full Title: Work placement for Digital Industries
Valid From:: Semester 1 - 2020/21 ( September 2020 )
Language of Instruction:English
Duration: 1 Semester
Credits:: 5
Module Owner:: Adele Commins
Departments: Unknown
Module Description: The work placement is a key element of the student's learning experience. The main aim of work placement is for students to gain practical experience in a supported and professional environment of an appropriate work field. The placement is an opportunity for students to apply theory to practice, develop their professionalism and to engage in a process of self-awareness and reflective practice under the supervision of a dedicated work supervisor. Students must comply with the process through which the work placement is organised, approved and assessed in order to be eligible for placement.

If for a valid reason the student cannot attend work placement, then an External Industry Project may be offered. The aim of the External Industry Project is to allow students the opportunity to gain real-world industry experience in a supportive, professional environment and to allow participants to relate theory to practice.
Module Learning Outcome
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:
# Module Learning Outcome Description
MLO1 Identify personal strengths and express knowledge of the chosen sector and employment opportunities and requirements within the sector.
MLO2 Develop and apply transferable skills in a broad range of professional activities.
MLO3 Assess personal growth and professional performance in the work environment through reflective practice.
MLO4 Compare the linkages between academic theories and the real-life, work based environment.
MLO5 Evaluate their professional ability and future career opportunities.
Pre-requisite learning
Module Recommendations
This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is strongly recommended before enrolment in this module. You may enrol in this module if you have not acquired the recommended learning but you will have considerable difficulty in passing (i.e. achieving the learning outcomes of) the module. While the prior learning is expressed as named DkIT module(s) it also allows for learning (in another module or modules) which is equivalent to the learning specified in the named module(s).
No recommendations listed
Module Indicative Content
Pre Work Placement Requirements
Students must engage in the Placement Preparation Process in order to be permitted to attend Work Placement. This includes attendance at 4 compulsory workshops and associated activities (see table below). Full engagement is required in order to be eligible for placement and will be monitored by the Placement Office. Placement Overview & Industry Research, CV and Personal Profile, Interview & Personal Presentation skills , Workplace Behaviour & Assessment
Work Placement Portfolio
Each student will submit a work placement portfolio to their Academic Supervisor. This report must be submitted on completion of the placement. This report is required to include as a minimum: Organisational Details & Structure, Duties & Responsibilities, Specific Case Study, Personal & Professional Development, Linking Theory to Practice, Reflective Observations and Evidence of Experience.
Core Assessment Area for Work Based Competencies
Each of following areas will guide the work placement assessment 1. Willingness to Learn 2. Communication Skills 3. Organisational Skills 4. Problem Solving 5. Initiative 6. Professional Attitude & Behaviour and discipline specific technical skills.
Work Placement Midway Review:
Through a guided reflective process the student will be asked to share their placement experiences to date - focusing on transitions to the work place, key achievements, challenges, sharing strategies for the work place and setting goals for remaining period on work placement. This can be achieved through the students’ progress report and/recall day. This will be used to inform the placement visit.
Placement Visits:
Each Placement student may receive a placement visit from a DkIT Academic Supervisor over the course of their placement or a video conference call for International placements to discuss student learning and development. Through a guided reflective process the student will be asked to share their placement experiences to date - focusing on transitions to the work place, key achievements, challenges, sharing strategies for the work place and setting goals for remaining period on work placement. This can be achieved through the students’ progress report and/recall day. This will be used to inform the placement visit.
Students should critically reflect on their personal and professional learning experiences and present this learning through an oral presentation.
Special Regulation
• Students must comply with the process through which the work placement is organised, approved and assessed in order to be eligible for placement. To meet these requirements, students must fully engage in the workshops and associated activities of the pre-placement process. Students who do not engage will be referred to the Head of Department for decision on eligibility to progress to placement. • In exceptional circumstances, where a student is unable to attend a work placement, they may be required to complete an alternative to placement. • Students must obtain a pass in the Work Supervisor Evaluation Report in order to be considered to have completed a successful placement. In the event of failing, the student will be subject to the DkIT Repeat Placement procedures.
Alternative to host organisation
Alternative to host organisation If a student has not secured employment a portfolio is considered equivalent. Where a student is not on placement or in employment, a portfolio based on a suitably agreed project with the academic supervisor will be developed. This 'work porfolio' or agreed document is developed and signed off by the supervisor/manager or customer.
Module Assessment
Assessment Breakdown%
Course Work100.00%
Module Special Regulation



Course Work
Assessment Type Other % of Total Mark 10
Marks Out Of 0 Pass Mark 0
Timing n/a Learning Outcome 1,2
Duration in minutes 0
Assessment Description
The Placement Officer will timetable 4 compulsory pre-placement workshops. Students must attend and complete associated activities on Moodle including sign Terms & Conditions of placement, complete Professional Profile, upload CV and Sign Code of Conduct.
Assessment Type Portfolio % of Total Mark 10
Marks Out Of 0 Pass Mark 0
Timing n/a Learning Outcome 1,2,3,4,5
Duration in minutes 0
Assessment Description
The work placement portfolio can consist of a Reflective Learning Report/ Diary, Learning Log and/or Industry/ Sector Specific Project. Work placement records such as the, Learning Contract, Induction Checklist, Student Progress Report, Hours Record, Supervision Records and other programme specific supporting documents should also feature in the appendices.
Assessment Type Performance Evaluation % of Total Mark 40
Marks Out Of 0 Pass Mark 0
Timing n/a Learning Outcome 1,2,3,4,5
Duration in minutes 0
Assessment Description
The college academic supervisor may undertake one site visit. In preparation for this meeting the student must submit a Student Progress Report detailing their progress, their opportunity to apply theory to practice, challenges and strengths in experience. They are also asked to self-evaluate their own competency development. Students are expected to show developing professionalism, increased self-awareness and to outline relevant concepts, theory or academic frameworks
Assessment Type Performance Evaluation % of Total Mark 20
Marks Out Of 0 Pass Mark 0
Timing n/a Learning Outcome 1,2,3,4,5
Duration in minutes 0
Assessment Description
The Work Supervisor will provide feedback on the students performance and progress whilst out on placement. Each placement supervisor will be given a
standard feedback framework which
they must complete and submit to the
Institute’s Academic Supervisor/ Placement Development Officer. Each student must achieve a pass in order to pass the placement module.
Assessment Type Presentation % of Total Mark 20
Marks Out Of 0 Pass Mark 0
Timing n/a Learning Outcome 1,2,3,4,5
Duration in minutes 0
Assessment Description
Students should critically reflect on their
personal and professional learning
experiences and present this learning
through an oral presentation.
No Project
No Practical
No Final Examination
Reassessment Requirement
The assessment of this module is inextricably linked to the delivery. Therefore reassessment on this module will require the student to reattend (i.e. retake) the module in its entirety.

DKIT reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

Workload: Full-time
Workload Type Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Practical Contact Timetabled compulsory pre-placement workshops. 4 hours long Once per semester 0.27 4
Independent Study Non Contact This is up to 17.5 hours per week over a duration of four weeks in a work environment. This module is designed so that it is 4 weeks at the end of semester 2. Once per semester 4.67 70
Lecturer Supervised Learning (non-contact) Non Contact Lecturer to coordinate, support and assess student. The lecturer supervision will be allocated at key points through out the module. This module is designed so that it is the last 4 weeks of semester 2. Every Week 1.00 1
Independent Study Non Contact Prepare CV. Prepare for Mock interviews. Reflective Learning Report/ Diary. Learning Log Industry/ Sector Specific Project report. Prepare presentations. Every Week 4.00 4
Total Weekly Learner Workload 9.93
Total Weekly Contact Hours 1.27
Workload: Part-time
Workload Type Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Practical Contact Timetabled 1 compulsory pre-placement workshops. 4 hours long Once per semester 0.27 4
Independent Study Non Contact This is up to 17.5 hours per week over a duration of four weeks in a work environment. This module is designed so that it is 4 weeks at the end of semester 2. Once per semester 4.67 70
Lecturer Supervised Learning (non-contact) Non Contact Lecturer to coordinate, support and assess student. The lecturer supervision will be allocated at key points through out the module. This module is designed so that it is the last 4 weeks of semester 2. Every Week 1.00 1
Independent Study Non Contact Prepare CV. Prepare for Mock interviews. Reflective Learning Report/ Diary. Learning Log Industry/ Sector Specific Project report. Prepare presentations. Every Week 4.00 4
Total Weekly Learner Workload 9.93
Total Weekly Contact Hours 1.27
Module Resources
This module does not have any book resources
This module does not have any article/paper resources
This module does not have any other resources