Module Details
Module Code: |
EDUC N7009 |
Full Title:
Exploration of Emergent Numeracy and Literacy
Valid From:: |
Semester 1 - 2022/23 ( September 2022 ) |
Language of Instruction: | English |
Module Owner:: |
Lyn Bowers
Departments: |
Nursing Midwifery & Early Years
Module Description: |
The aim of this module is to develop the students' knowledge and understanding of how very young children acquire numeracy and literacy dispositions, knowledge and skills in the early years. It aims to enrich the pedagogical practices of the Early Years Educator to support children in their emergent literacy and numeracy development.
Module Learning Outcome |
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to: |
# |
Module Learning Outcome Description |
MLO1 |
Discuss the emergent nature of Literacy and Numeracy dispositions from an early childhood context |
MLO2 |
Evaluate Literacy and Numeracy content in National Policy Documents |
MLO3 |
Explore the holistic nature of reading, writing & listening competency development |
MLO4 |
Appreciate the mark making efforts of very young children |
MLO5 |
Demonstrate emergent literacy, numeracy and mark making skill through enriching learning opportunities embedded in practice |
Pre-requisite learning |
Module Recommendations
This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is strongly recommended before enrolment in this module. You may enrol in this module if you have not acquired the recommended learning but you will have considerable difficulty in passing (i.e. achieving the learning outcomes of) the module. While the prior learning is expressed as named DkIT module(s) it also allows for learning (in another module or modules) which is equivalent to the learning specified in the named module(s).
No recommendations listed |
Module Indicative Content |
Introducing Essentials of Literacy
Recognition of the importance of constructing an enabling environment for all children to facilitate the identification of key moments, sustained shared thinking, responding to children’s cues, allowing space and time to encourage children to communicate. Awareness of emergent skills development and how to support these by nurturing and promoting positive learning dispositions. Understanding learning as a co-constructed process by encouraging children to share their thoughts and develop active listening skills. Promoting language acquisition from a multilingual perspective by working in partnership with parents/caregivers.
Methods to Develop Reading for Meaning
Generating an appropriate curriculum that stimulates and promotes emergent literacy skills. Provision of active, tangible and purposeful learning experiences for children which foster an awareness of how print works (Concepts about print), consolidating letter recognition and identification, developing phonological awareness, developing grapheme/phoneme association., Using formal and informal strategies to scaffold children's learning, and foster a love of reading
National Documents
Examine and identify key concepts both nationally and internationally and discuss main ideas., Apply core principles from research and policy to practice with children. National Strategy to
improve Literacy and Numeracy among Children and Young People 2011 – 2020; Aistear & Síolta Frameworks; Diversity , Equality & Inclusion Charter & Guidelines 2016; First 5: A whole-of-government strategy for babies, young children and their families
Emergent Writing Skills
Recognition of the importance of constructing an enabling environment for all children to facilitate the identification of key moments, sustained shared thinking, responding the children’s cues, allowing space and time to encourage children to engage in mark-making activities. Awareness of emergent skills development and how to support these by nurturing and promoting positive learning dispositions, using a spiral curriculum to revisit and consolidate skill development. Adopting a child-centered approach that views children as competent, active agents. Understanding the role the Early Years Educator, the environment (indoor, outdoor and home), and play have in the development of writing skills
Children Thinking Mathematically
Generating an appropriate curriculum that stimulates and promotes emergent mathematical skills. Provision of active, tangible and purposeful learning experience for children which foster an awareness of mathematics. Awareness of quantity, number (symbol). Linking quantity with numeral. Sequence of number. Categorizing and Operations, Awareness of space, shape, pattern, weight, time and measurement. Problem solving,; reasoning; questioning; experimenting. Numeracy in the indoor and outdoor environment, Context for learning / understanding., Formal and informal strategies
Module Assessment
Assessment Breakdown | % |
Project | 100.00% |
Module Special Regulation |
Reassessment Requirement |
No repeat examination
Reassessment of this module will be offered solely on the basis of coursework and a repeat examination will not be offered.
DKIT reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment
Module Workload
This module has no Full-time workload. |
Workload: Part-time |
Workload Type |
Contact Type |
Workload Description |
Frequency |
Average Weekly Learner Workload |
Hours |
Lecture |
Contact |
An oral presentation used to convey information (overview of the main themes, supporting development of understanding of the issues) to a full class group |
Every Week |
1.50 |
1.5 |
Online (Contact) |
Contact |
No Description |
Every Week |
1.00 |
1 |
Practical |
Contact |
Arts based learning using creative activity to support theoretical understandings and provide practical ideas for implementation with young children |
Once per semester |
0.27 |
4 |
Directed Reading |
Non Contact |
Students are guided to materials that provide additional relevant interpretation on topics covered in class and supplementary reading to enhance understanding. |
Every Week |
2.00 |
2 |
Independent Study |
Non Contact |
Student responsibility to organise and manage |
Every Week |
4.00 |
4 |
Total Weekly Learner Workload |
8.77 |
Total Weekly Contact Hours |
2.77 |
Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources |
Browne, A.. (2009), Developing language and literacy 3-8., 3rd. Sage, London.
Bruce, T., Spratt. J.. (2008), Essentials of Literacy from 0-7, Sage, London.
French, G.. (2012), Early literacy and numeracy matters: enriching literacy and numeracy experiences in early childhood., Barnardos, Dublin.
Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2016), Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Charter & Guidelines for Early Childhood Care and Education, Government Publications, Dublin.
Government of Ireland. (2016), Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016, Government, Dublin.
Elizabeth Grugeon,Paul Gardner. (2000), The Art of Storytelling for Teachers and Pupils, Routledge, p.128, [ISBN: 9781853466175].
Government of Ireland. (2010), Síolta – The national quality framework for the early years., Government publications, Dublin.
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.. (2009), Aistear: early childhood curriculum framework, principles and themes, NCCA, Dublin.
Tusla, Child and Family Agency.. (2018), Quality and regulatory framework: full day-care services and part-time day-care service, Early Years Inspectorate, Tusla, Dublin.
Marian R Whitehead. (2010), Language & Literacy in the Early Years 0-7, SAGE Publications, p.248, [ISBN: 9781849200080].
| Supplementary Book Resources |
Pat Baldwin,Kate Fleming. (2003), Teaching Literacy Through Drama, Routledge, p.144, [ISBN: 9780415255783].
Pat Beckley. (2011), Learning in Early Childhood, SAGE Publications Limited, p.264, [ISBN: 9781849204057].
Nichola Callander,Lindy Nahmad-Williams. (2011), Communication, Language and Literacy, A&C Black, p.135, [ISBN: 9781441128980].
Nigel Hall,Anne Robinson. (2003), Exploring Writing and Play in the Early Years, Routledge, p.134, [ISBN: 1843120100].
Lynne Lawrence. (1998), Montessori Read and Write, Random House, p.160, [ISBN: 9780091863517].
Maureen Lewis,Sue Ellis. (2006), Phonics, SAGE Publications Limited, p.176, [ISBN: 9781412930864].
Caroline McGrath. Supporting Early Mathematical Development, [ISBN: 9780415491617].
Máire Mhic Mhathúna,Mark Taylor. (2012), Early Childhood Education and Care, Gill Education, p.224, [ISBN: 9780717153244].
Northern Ireland Curriculum. Learning through play in the early years,
Toye N. and Prendiville, F. (2000), Drama and traditional story for the early years., Routledge Falmer, New York, p.160.
| Recommended Article/Paper Resources |
The Arts Council. (2013), Early childhood arts three perspectives., Dublin: The Arts Council.
Department of Education and Skills. (2011), Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and
Life the National Strategy to Improve
Literacy and Numeracy among Children and
Young People 2011-2020,
Department of Education and Skill. (2011), Interim Review 2011-2016. Literacy and
Numeracy for Learning and Life the
National Strategy to Improve Literacy
and Numeracy among Children and Young
People 2011-2020. New targets.,
Education Endowment Foundation (2020).
Improving mathematics in the early years
and key stage 1: guidance report.
London: EE,
French, C. (2007), Children’s early learning and
development, Dublin: NCCA,
National Association for the Education
of Young Childre. (2002), Early childhood mathematics, promoting
good beginning,
| Other Resources |
Website, Access and Inclusion Model,
Website, Children’s Investment Fund.,
Website, Department of Education (2020). Insights – Developing Children’s
Literacy Skills,
Website, Learning and Teaching with Learning
Trajectories (2021),
Website, Literacy Teaching Toolkit for Early
Childhood (2018),
Website, National Council for Curriculum and
Assessment (2015).. Aistear Síolta practice guide.,
Website, Play Board NI,
Website, Play Scotland,
Website, Síolta Research Digests,
Website, (2021), The Child-Centred Competence Framework,
Website, Barnardos Literacy Resources.,
Website, Literacy Trust, Literacy Resources,
Website, Words for Life,
Website, National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA).,
Website, Vaydik, J.. (2011), Storysacks manual.,
Website, Library Guide,
| |