Module Details

Module Code: EDUC N7016
Full Title: Teaching Self- Regulation
Valid From:: Semester 1 - 2022/23 ( September 2022 )
Language of Instruction:English
Duration: 1 Semester
Credits:: 7.5
Module Owner::
  • Philomena Smyth
  • Elaine CoffeyO'connor
Departments: Nursing Midwifery & Early Years
Module Description: This module aims to facilitate students to understand Self-regulation as a critical skill that develops in early childhood and underpins all future learning and wellbeing
Module Learning Outcome
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:
# Module Learning Outcome Description
MLO1 Understand self-regulation in the context of the developing child, individual traits and emerging competencies and discuss how. these positively or negatively affect children’s meaningful participation, learning and development in an ELC setting.
MLO2 Identify the internal and external factors that influence a child/ children’s responses
MLO3 Explore the underpinning theories of how children learn patterns of behaviour and the impact on the practice of early years educators.
MLO4 Draft an individualized support plan for a young child within your ELC setting who is presenting with social and emotional needs
Pre-requisite learning
Module Recommendations
This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is strongly recommended before enrolment in this module. You may enrol in this module if you have not acquired the recommended learning but you will have considerable difficulty in passing (i.e. achieving the learning outcomes of) the module. While the prior learning is expressed as named DkIT module(s) it also allows for learning (in another module or modules) which is equivalent to the learning specified in the named module(s).
No recommendations listed
Module Indicative Content
Regulation 19
Content and implications for policy and practice
The development and dimensions of self-regulation including theoretical perspectives and models of self-regulation.
Early Identification of Emotional Problems and Disorders
Assessing Temperament; Introversion; Extroversion and Mood Disorder
Early Identification of Social Problems and Disorders
Shyness & Selective Mutism;Fear; Phobia; Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders (including PTSD). Attachment and Attachment Disorders; Eating and Eating Disorders.
Early Identification of Behavioural Problems and Disorders
Oppositional Defiant Disorder;Conduct Disorder; Disruptive Behaviour Disorder Not Otherwise Specified; Comorbidity (esp with ADHD).
The mediating effect of self regulation; teaching social and emotional skills.
Behaviour Management Guidance
How to engage and include families; Environment; Shaping Positive Self Concept through Documentation; Establish Synchrony through Play; Rules; Collaborating with families; Behavioural Frequency Chart; Functional Assessment of Behaviour; Modifying Antecedents; Modifying Consequences; Teaching and Reinforcing Replacement Skills; Using Successive Approximation; Evaluating Effectiveness (self-esteem; self-regulation; social connection; disposition to engage in play) using Objective Data; Assessing whether additional intervention is required.
Module Assessment
Assessment Breakdown%
Course Work60.00%
Module Special Regulation



Course Work
Assessment Type Essay % of Total Mark 60
Marks Out Of 100 Pass Mark 0
Timing n/a Learning Outcome 1,2,3
Duration in minutes 0
Assessment Description
Students will be given an essay title based on LOs 1,2 and 3. The essay should be show evidence of wide reading and should be 2,000 words.
Assessment Type Project % of Total Mark 40
Marks Out Of 100 Pass Mark 0
Timing n/a Learning Outcome 3,4
Duration in minutes 0
Assessment Description
Students will conduct a functional assessment to use to draft an support plan for a young child in their setting. The plan will build on the child’s strengths and needs and observations of the child in the ELC setting and will involve effective partnerships between the adults in their life. All information within the support plan will supports, informs , assess and influences appropriate professional practices as outlined in Regulation 19
No Practical
No Final Examination
Reassessment Requirement
No repeat examination
Reassessment of this module will be offered solely on the basis of coursework and a repeat examination will not be offered.

DKIT reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

This module has no Full-time workload.
Workload: Part-time
Workload Type Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Lecture Contact Alternating f2f lectures and webinars Every Week 1.50 1.5
Online (Contact) Contact No Description Every Week 1.00 1
Practical Contact Workshop Once per semester 0.27 4
Directed Reading Non Contact No Description Every Week 3.80 3.8
Independent Study Non Contact No Description Every Week 7.60 7.6
Total Weekly Learner Workload 14.17
Total Weekly Contact Hours 2.77
Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources
  • Allen, K. & Cowdery, G.. (2011), The Exceptional Child: Inclusion in Early Childhood Education, 3rd. Wadsworth Publishing, [ISBN: 10:1111342105].
  • Bronson, M.. (2001), Self-regulation in Early Childhood: Nature and Nurture, Guildford, [ISBN: 9781572307520].
  • Glenn, A. & Collins, J. & Helps, A.. (2011), Behaviour in the Early years, 2nd. Routledge, [ISBN: 0415584353].
  • Kaiser, B. & Raminsky, E.. (2011), Challenging Behavior in Young Children: Understanding, Preventing & Responding Effectively, 3rd. Pearson, [ISBN: 10: 0132159120].
  • Linden, J.. (2012), Understanding Children's Behaviour 0-11: Linking theory to Practice, Hodder Arnold, [ISBN: 10:144417097X].
  • Mackenzie, H.. (2015), Self-regulation in Everyday Life: A how to guide for parents, Wired Fox Publications.
  • Tusla (2018) Quality and Regulatory Framework: Full Day Care Service and Part-Time Day Care Service, Dublin: Early Years Inspectorate, Tusla.
Supplementary Book Resources
  • McClelland, M.M, & Tominey, S.L.. (2016), Stop, Think, Act: Integrating self-regulation in the early childhood classroom, Routledge, [ISBN: ISBN 9780415].
This module does not have any article/paper resources
Other Resources
  • Website, Aistear Síolta Toolkit- www.aistearsí
  • Website, Smart Start- Emotional Wellbeing ealthy-ireland-smart-start-emotional-wel l-being.