Module Details

Module Code: NURS N9027
Full Title: Leadership and Clinical Decision Making for Advanced Practice
Valid From:: Semester 1 - 2023/24 ( September 2023 )
Language of Instruction:English
Duration: 1 Semester
Credits:: 10
Module Owner::
  • Geraldine O'Connor
  • Patricia Suresh
Departments: Nursing Midwifery & Early Years
Module Description: This module is suitable for registered experienced nurses who wish to advance their professional practice in their chosen career pathway. This module will assist students to enhance their personal effectiveness, leadership and clinical decision making capacity in the context of current structural and professional change in the Irish Health Services. Using a blended learning approach the module will promote critical reflection on leadership and change as well as the application of knowledge, skills and experience for safe, effective and competent decision making. Blended learning offers working practitioner’s easy and accessible opportunities to engage in further education. The module will help students gain personal insight into their own leadership style and to consider factors that influence their decisions such as person-centred care, ethical leadership and empowerment of service users. It will provide students with the required knowledge and skills in leadership and decision-making to enable them to practice at an advanced and strategic level so that they are safe and effective in their designated role.
Module Learning Outcome
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:
# Module Learning Outcome Description
MLO1 Evaluate and apply complex theories and concepts of leadership in leading and managing change and policy making in practice.
MLO2 Develop a critical understanding of team leadership and inter-professional communication that values diversity and difference and appraises initiatives to promote service quality and safety
MLO3 Critically appraise methods and models of clinical decision-making in health and social care settings to meet the needs of a dynamic and changing health environment
MLO4 Evaluate the role of experienced nurses in providing leadership and clinical decision-making in the design, plan and implementation of services
MLO5 Evaluate the relationship between leadership and organisational culture in promoting person-centred care.
MLO6 Demonstrate a knowledge base that exercises higher levels of judgement, discretion and decision making within nursing practice in the context of service user and practitioner safety and well-being
Pre-requisite learning
Module Recommendations
This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is strongly recommended before enrolment in this module. You may enrol in this module if you have not acquired the recommended learning but you will have considerable difficulty in passing (i.e. achieving the learning outcomes of) the module. While the prior learning is expressed as named DkIT module(s) it also allows for learning (in another module or modules) which is equivalent to the learning specified in the named module(s).
No recommendations listed
Module Indicative Content
Leadership theories and styles
Historical reflections of leadership and appraisal of contemporary theoretical perspectives and models, leadership challenges and opportunities in advanced nursing practice, evaluation of contemporary drivers of leadership in healthcare, organisational culture considerations, critical exploration of the leadership-follower dynamic and critical review of team leadership. Stategies used to implement change and evaluation of service to address gaps in service.
Clinical decision making process and influences
Critical exploration of the theories and frameworks of advanced clinical decision making, shared decision making, influences such as legal, ethical, regulatory, professional and cultural factors that inform decision making related to complex clinical situations
Communication and collaboration
Teamwork and optimizing effectiveness, building and maintaining relationships, critical review of effective communication patterns that foster collaboration, evaluation of role attributes which influence an individual’s performance, directing and motivating staff, critical evaluation of personal and organisational behaviour and values that contribute to a positive work climate, critical review of collaborative work patterns, personal, professional and organisational barriers to collaboration
Person centered leadership
Critical exploration of theoretical perspectives on person-centred leadership, person centred leadership competencies Relational and contextual factors that influence a person centred leader and person centred cultures
Professional requirements
Critical exploration of leadership role and responsibilities, accountability, governance and risk management related to role. Engagement in professional scholarship and exploring opportunities for research development
Module Assessment
Assessment Breakdown%
Course Work100.00%
Module Special Regulation



Course Work
Assessment Type Continuous Assessment % of Total Mark 70
Marks Out Of 100 Pass Mark 0
Timing n/a Learning Outcome 1,2,3,4,5,6
Duration in minutes 0
Assessment Description
Students will be required to critically evaluate how leadership in advanced practice influences change in the healthcare setting
Assessment Type Continuous Assessment % of Total Mark 30
Marks Out Of 100 Pass Mark 0
Timing n/a Learning Outcome 4
Duration in minutes 0
Assessment Description
Students will submit an ePoster where they will evaluate how a gap they have identified in the service can be addressed based on evidence.
No Project
No Practical
No Final Examination
Reassessment Requirement
A repeat examination
Reassessment of this module will consist of a repeat examination. It is possible that there will also be a requirement to be reassessed in a coursework element.

DKIT reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

This module has no Full-time workload.
Workload: Part-time
Workload Type Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Lecture Contact Keynote lectures on indicative content will be delivered over module to enable students develop an understanding of the theoretical components of leading and decision making at an advanced level. Once per semester 0.60 9
Practical Contact Practical/Workshop: Learners will be facilitated to enhance critical thinking skills and use clinical jugement to arrive at decisions based on the evidence and experience. Once per semester 0.60 9
Tutorial Contact Students will be provided with tutorials to enable them to apply theoretical aspects of module and also prepare them for the development of their ePortfolio. Once per semester 1.20 18
Total Weekly Learner Workload 2.40
Total Weekly Contact Hours 2.40
Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources
  • Theresa Drinka,Phillip Clark. (2016), Healthcare Teamwork, Praeger, p.314, [ISBN: 9781440845369].
  • Neil Gopee,Jo Galloway. Leadership and Management in Healthcare, [ISBN: 9781473965027].
  • RuthAnne Kuiper,Daniel J. Pesut,Tamatha Arms. (2016), Clinical Reasoning and Care Coordination in Advanced Practice Nursing, Springer Publishing Company, p.392, [ISBN: 9780826131836].
Supplementary Book Resources
  • McCormack, B., & McCance, T. (Eds.).. (2017), Person-centred practice in nursing and health care: theory and practice, 2nd. [ISBN: 9781405171137].
  • Elaine S. Marshall,Marion Broome. (2020), Transformational Leadership in Nursing, Springer Publishing Company, p.374, [ISBN: 9780826135049].
  • Kouzes, J.M. and Posner, B.Z.. (2017), The leadership challenge: how to make extraordinary things. hap, [ISBN: 9601419567782].
This module does not have any article/paper resources
Other Resources
  • Website, Lenus. The Irish Health Repository, http;// Lenus. The Irish Health Repository.
  • Website, HSE.
  • Website, Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI). cope-ofpractice.
  • Website, The King’s Fund Website. Website,