Module Indicative Content |
Action Researh
The history, use, and varieties of action research. Action research as a process and approach. Forms of action research to include diagnostic, imperical and experimentative. Using action research as a youth work tool in turn leading to an effective method leading to positive change.
Managing Change
Role and influence of culture and climate in organisations, consequences of change on organisations, communities and individuals. Managing change.
European models of youth work.
Exploration and analysis of other models of delivery - taking climate, environment, client group, effectiveness as analysis pieces.
Government Structures.
Organisation of government. House of the Oireachtas, Seanad and European Parliament. Decision making and impact.
Community context of youth work.
Profesional worker and the volunteer. Local level structures and partnerships. Issues in community sector. Exploration of youth work as 'political' and politics at local level and community level.
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Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources |
Hurley,L.Treacy, D.. Models of Youth Work, National Youth Federation.
Gaffney, M.. (1996), The Way We Live Now, Gill and MacMillan, Dublin.
This module does not have any article/paper resources |
This module does not have any other resources |