Master of Science in Computing in Medical Device Software Engineering

Master of Science in Computing in Medical Device Software Engineering

Informatics and Creative Arts
Programme Code DK_IVMDS_9 Mode of Delivery Full-time, Part-time, Full Time Online, Part Time Online No. of Semesters 3
Semesters Per Stage 3 NFQ Level 9 Programme Credits 90
Language of Instruction English
Field of Study 0613 - Computer Science
Educational Aim of Programme The aim of this programme is to produce graduates with an advanced level of theoretical knowledge and practice, with highly developed research capability, innovation and management skills to enable their professional development in both the IT industry but in particular within the healthcare software industry.
External Code

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

On successful completion of this programme the learner should be able to :

# Description
PLO1 A systematic understanding of knowledge, at, or informed by, the forefront of medical device software engineering
PLO2 A critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, generally informed by the forefront of medical device software engineering
PLO3 Demonstrate a range of standard and specialised research or equivalent tools and techniques of enquiry
PLO4 Select from complex and advanced skills in medical device software engineering; develop new skills to a high level, including novel and emerging techniques
PLO5 Act in a wide and often unpredictable variety of professional levels and ill defined contexts
PLO6 Take significant responsibility for the work of individuals and groups; lead and initiate activity
PLO7 Learn to self-evaluate and take responsibility for continuing academic/professional development
PLO8 Scrutinise and reflect on social norms and relationships and act to change them

Semester Schedules

Stage 1 / Semester 1

Module Code Title
COMP C9044 Human Computer Interaction
Distributed Systems and Security
RESA C9007 Research Methods and Innovation
COMP C9045 Software Design and Validation for Healthcare Software

Stage 1 / Semester 2

Module Code Title
RESA C9010 Research Project for Structured Masters